Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What the Doula?

After thinking, talking and praying about it I've decided to take the steps to become a birthing doula. It's pretty exciting! I just ordered my membership today. I am hoping and praying that I get into the workshop that is coming to Santa Barbara in September. I have to take that workshop, a birthing class, a lactation class, read a lot of books, and have surveys from three moms and their doctor from their births. It's going to be a long expensive process, but rewarding and something that I can always have under my belt to bring in some extra bucks if I need too. I am totally stoked on this. Please pray that the Lord blesses this new venture into something new. And feel free to take me up on my services you prego mommies!!!! :)


christina said...

So Cool Jen!

The Clays said...

I am really excited for you! We had a Doula at Kate's birth and it was wonderful! She was so helpful for Nate and I. I know you will bless many new Mommies!

nate said...

Just for clarity sake, is this post by Chris or Jenn? I need to know how to feel about this whole thing...

Heather said...

Sweet Jen! You can be my doula someday :) I love you!

Hannah Hosh said...

How cool! Doulas are such a wonderful support. My sister-in-law is a doula and was at Asher's birth. I hope you get into the workshop!

bryna said...

Wow Jen! Super cool! I actually thought that that would be fun for me too at one time, because its such a cool thing for women...but then I remembered about the blood and guts! You are one brave strong woman for taking this on-it sure takes a special person, and you will be great I know!