Saturday, September 27, 2008

brother yun

Tonight was a night to remember! If you haven't ever read this book or seen or heard this man you are missing out! Brother Yun is a Chinese man who has been banished from China, and who might have the gnarliest testimony of anyone I've ever heard! It was a packed out at Reality Carp tonight! Chris and I were on the floor in the front with Chris' parents behind us as back rests. From start to finish Brother Yun shared story after story of the awesomeness of our Lord. There really was just too much to share. I HIGHLY recommend going to the website and listening to the message But I will share this... as he was ending the night he talked about being a prisoner and was a "dorm steward" if you will, to the prisoners on death row. A serial killer was placed in his cell before the guy was sentenced to death. Brother Yun was able to share the Lord with him and the guy accepted Jesus and was baptized and repented of his sins before his sentence was carried out. Then he even wrote a note to his parents on toilet paper in his own blood (because he had nothing else to write with) and asked Brother Yun to give it to his family when he got out... which he did and that guys whole family kneeled down and came to the Lord too. Gnarly stuff my friends!!! It was a great blessing!!!!

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