People say that Disneyland is the happiest place on earth, but I think when you are 5 and head over heals in love with legos the happiest place on earth becomes LEGOLAND. Parker, Silas, Chris, the Balli's and the Cox's headed out to just that place last month. It was the first time we had dared to take Silas with us to an amusement park. He did super good. It was a really fun time and if you have a kid who loves legos as much as Parker you should really make Legoland a must!!!!!
We celebrated Parker's 5th birthday yesterday, in Star Wars fashion. Parky has been into Star Wars (never watched the movie till yesterday) since he saw his cousin myles with a Darth Vader suit a few months ago. Ever since, he has been infatuated with everything Star Wars. so naturally he asked for a Star Wars themed b-day...which we obliged, we did everything from Yoda Soda, Pin The LightSaber on The Jedi, Vader Pinata and LightSaber fights, all with Star Wars music and souneffects in the background. It was Epic. Parky had so much fun. All gifts were pretty much Star Wars too, which he was super stoked about. We had a blast, but most of all the kids really dug it too, here is some pix...
Here's the thing... Facebook has taken us over. I post everything there and it seems awfully mundane to be posting everything twice. Not to mention it takes so much longer to post things here! But nonetheless here are some updates (so that you no longer have to look at the rocker pictures of my man.. lol)