Friday, November 28, 2008

Naughty Kids

A couple days ago I was busier then a one armed paper hanger! I had opened the sliding glass door to get in some fresh air since the oven had been on all morning. While I was finally in the bathroom getting ready and enjoying some silence I noticed it was TOO quiet. So I came out in the living room to see what was going on and this is what I found. Both boys, fully clothed (with the exception of Silas having NO SHOES ON), had gone through the screen (which they had destroyed) and were stomping and playing in the pouring rain. They were SO happy with themselves. I obviously couldn't get mad. They were soaking wet and then came in for a nice warm bath. Raising boys is a very tiring job! But look at these faces... they are so worth it!


This year Chris and I got to have Thanksgiving at our place with just my dad, mom (Karin) and my Nana. It was a fun time. My Nana showed me the ropes of making a full blown Thanksgiving feast. They came on Wednesday which was my mom's birthday and we ate some taco salad and had a little bday celebration for her and then laughed our butts off playing Mad Libs. Then in the morning me and Nana got to it. Chris, the folks and the boys headed out to the zoo for the bounce house and fun while Nana and I chopped, chatted and got ready. Then we ate around 4:30, went around the table saying what we were thankful for (tradition) and then chatted some more before they headed out about 8 pm. It was a super nice chill Thanksgiving with good company :0)

Random Larson Visit

Last Saturday I woke up and called my sister Jessica. I thought I would just ask her if by any chance she could come up for the day and she did! It was so fun! We just chilled here at the house while the big girls took on Parker and Silas and Joelle napped. It was great. I wish that was the status quo for all Saturdays.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Chub's Pirate Birthday Party

Tonight was Parker's best buds birthday party... pirate style. It was good times. We ate pizza, dressed as pirates, and the kids ran around like mad men. It was awesome. It great birthday party for sure!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Coolest Walk Ever!!!

This morning Parker came up to us with jeans, a shirt, socks and his hat and said "let's get in the wagon and go to the blue park with dad". It was pretty cute so we all got dressed, loaded up the wagon and headed out to blue park. However on the way there we saw a bunch of fire trucks at an empty building next to the gas station over here. We knew they had been doing training there over the past few days and thought we could ride up close and get a first hand look. Much to our surprise they firefighters were on a break and they were stoked to see Parker. The invited us in to have a closer look and that we did! They let Parker hold a real fire axe and other tools, sit in the pumper truck driver seat, wear the captains helmet, let he and Chris wear the walkie talkie head phones and talk to one another, and watch the firefighter get dressed up in the oxygen tank and mask. It was AWESOME! Parker was in heaven! When we got home we were talking to him about it and asked him "what was the firefighters name?" to which he replied "I don't know I was just too excited". Here are some pictures of the glorious event taken from Chris's camera phone.
P.S. Parker was so star struck.. he was trying to hold in his smile the WHOLE time

baby Maggie

I have been a total boob at posting lately... sorry. There just really hasn't been anything too much to report about and what there has been to report I have been lazy about downloading from my camera to my computer. But alas I am back with some fresh posts! Last weekend Jessica, Myles and baby Maggie came to visit. Man she's cute. She's a total lady even at two weeks old! It was strange to hold a baby girl again (and to know that holding one of my own is nothing I will ever experience). She is small and petite and precious is every way. Silas was infatuated with her. He would have spent the whole time kissing her if he could. Parker loved her too and even asked for a sister... sorry pal. Jessica was so brave and made the drive on a whim all by herself with BOTH kids and only stayed for like a couple hours. It was sooo nice to meet our new little family princess.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Update on Andie

Thanks everyone who was praying for Andie (Chris's cousins daughter). She went to the pediatric cardiologist and he gave good news! The small holes he says will all close up and the larger hole has a flap over it that he is confident will adhere to the hole. She will go back to the cardiologist in two months to make sure. But all in all great news! No surgery! Her little staph infection is better and the jaundice is gone. Praise the Lord, right?!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

"Trick or Treating"

Of course yesterday was Halloween and to start off the day Parker had a costume parade at school an then got to take home a pumpkin. Then last night was our first trick or treating experience. It was hilarious! Every door that Parker went up to he said "trick or treating"... instead of the usual "trick or treat". He couldn't believe that people were giving him candy... neither could Silas. Silas was so excited to be outside walking and being dressed up. We only went for a few blocks because Chris had a show last night (which 10 kids got saved) and because we had plans with the Smiths. After trick or treating we went to Troy and Lindsey's for homemade sloppy joes, homemade carmel corn and Aladdin. It was a FUN Halloween!!!!