Thursday, January 17, 2008

How do kids grow so fast?!

I was just thinking that when we moved to the promise land.... IE...Carpinteria, Parker was just barley over a year old. He still drooled all the time and was just starting to walk (he was a late bloomer in this area). He only said a few words and the one most frequently used was NO! He was still signing all the time. Oh man he was cute. Here are some contrast pictures of what I am talking about. The first is Parker James first settling into Carp and then one of Parker now. MAN HE'S GROWN SOOO MUCH!! He is so stinking smart. Today he told me "Mommy I need to go to work now so drop me off in Santa Barbara". Oh the list goes on of all the Parkerisms!!!!!!


jenkins family six said...

You should write down all his Parkerisums in his baby book (or some sort of book), because some day when he is a famous comedian you can sell it on ebay for boocoo bucks! Or just have it around when he gets older for some laughs!

Unknown said...

Oh man I so know what you day you are changing their diapers and feeding them a bottle...then the next they are asking for a second helping of mac-n-cheese from the table and after, reading a book while using the potty...its truly amazing how time flies!! Parker is still so handsome and for sure has your guys sense of humor!!