Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Coolest Walk Ever!!!

This morning Parker came up to us with jeans, a shirt, socks and his hat and said "let's get in the wagon and go to the blue park with dad". It was pretty cute so we all got dressed, loaded up the wagon and headed out to blue park. However on the way there we saw a bunch of fire trucks at an empty building next to the gas station over here. We knew they had been doing training there over the past few days and thought we could ride up close and get a first hand look. Much to our surprise they firefighters were on a break and they were stoked to see Parker. The invited us in to have a closer look and that we did! They let Parker hold a real fire axe and other tools, sit in the pumper truck driver seat, wear the captains helmet, let he and Chris wear the walkie talkie head phones and talk to one another, and watch the firefighter get dressed up in the oxygen tank and mask. It was AWESOME! Parker was in heaven! When we got home we were talking to him about it and asked him "what was the firefighters name?" to which he replied "I don't know I was just too excited". Here are some pictures of the glorious event taken from Chris's camera phone.
P.S. Parker was so star struck.. he was trying to hold in his smile the WHOLE time

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